My Daily Make Up

segunda-feira, outubro 16, 2017

As the week begins, I decided to tell you how do I my make up every day, to inspire some of you. First of all, I apply a day cream to hydrate my skin and to give it a more healthy look. This must be chosen according to your type of skin, because it really makes a difference.
Also, if it has an SPF higher or equal to 20, even better.

Then I use my concealer, from Bourjois that I've been using, and that I absolutely love because it has a good quality and it's in form of stick which makes it much easier to apply.

I always use a sponge, from H&M, to spread the concealer. I highly recommend the use of a sponge, because it gives your skin a better and more natural look when used.

After that, I use my liquid foundation from Clinique (the one that I use it's called the superbalanced makeup) that hides my skin marks, it's very easy to apply and gives a really natural look (instead of looking too much like a doll, which I always avoid).

Then, I apply a bronzer from KIKO with a makeup brush just to give a darker color to my cheeks. I've been using this one for a while and it's one of my favorites because, besides from being discreet it has some glitter that makes the skin look brighter and healthier.

And last but not the least, I use a lipstick that I also bought from KIKO that really makes my lips look a little more vivid and not so simple.

Most of the times I also apply an eye shadow from H&M to make my eyes just look lighter but it is very discreet at the same time. This colors are my favorite ones because they have that chique and natural touch.

I hope you liked this post and tell me what other makeup products do you like in the comments !

Have an amazing week,


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